Thursday, January 14, 2010

Belly Bliss classes

Today was the first time I went and did one of the "Belly Bliss" workout classes. You can bring your baby to them and in some of the classes you even USE your baby as part of the workout! Today was fun and it is a nice place in the Cherry Creek shopping area. But of course, true to Johnathan's style, (I would not kid about things like this), he had yet another huge blow-out diaper up his shirt and clothes right before the class. It was a mess. No, he is not sick or anything. He just has a lot of volume. He only goes like every 2-3 days now (pediatrician said that is normal). And when he goes, he goes big and with force. So I missed part of the class cleaning him all up and then giving him a little comfort nursing before starting the class. Fun times though! : ) I love my boy!

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