Monday, January 25, 2010

6 Months Old Today!

Hi there,
So Johnathan is 6 months old today! 1/25/2010. I can't believe that it was 6 months ago that he was born. In reminiscing back, the last 6 months have truly been an amazing journey. They have been filled with many tired nights and mornings, but they have also been filled with SO much joy and pure love for our little baby. I never knew I could love two people so much. It has been so fun watching Nathan grow as a father and to see what a natural he is at it. He is SUCH a good dad! He loves little Johnathan so much. And even with PhD school, he has been a big help to me.
And Johnathan is such a happy little boy that he has made this first baby experience so easy. I've had to learn a lot but he has eased me through it. We have fun together and he rarely cries. Nate & I were remembering back to the first month and how utterly hard that was. Those were truly sleepless nights. He's gone back to getting up to breastfeed one or two times a night. But he is still such a good sleeper in general. And he still goes to bed at 5:30! That first month was hard. There were times when I would think, "I don't know if I can ever do this again". But now that he is older and so much more fun...I LOVE being a Mom! I love him and I love hanging out with him. I love playing with him in the living room and I love going on walks with him. And recently I have loved going to those BYOBaby yoga classes. He's such a cutie in there.
I can't believe how fast the last 6 months has flown by. He is growing up so fast! Every day he does a little more and sometimes I think, "Slow down!". I'm in no rush at all for him to crawl now. I look back and it was fun having my sisters, Mom, and his cousins here during the birth week. And then I had 3 nice months off to just hang out with him and heal my body. Then going back to work at the end of October. Starting the whole babysitter thing. I can't believe I've already been back at work for over 3 months now. Working just 2 days a week is working out very well. I work Fridays and Saturdays (12 hr shifts), and then the 3 of us go to church on Sunday morning. We've already taken him a lot of different places. Hiking, to the Stanley Hotel, the Denver aquarium, to different restaurants, to Christmas parties, to people's houses to visit, to Spokane, to yoga class. And we have lots to look forward to when it starts getting warm. We are going to start hiking with the backpack baby carrier and get in those mountains! We love living in Colorado and Johnathan loves the sunshine.
It has been a great 6 months and we will have a blast in the next 6 as well. Love you all and your support. Thanks again for following our blog. From, Angie Pennock

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