Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rockies Baseball Game

We got to go to a Rockies game with my (Angie's) co-workers on Friday, September 25th (the night after his 2 month old doctor's appointment). It was a blast! We carried him into Coor's Field in the front carrier and he was sleeping away. Then people wanted to hold him there, so we took him out and my friends had him almost the whole time. But he was a good boy and never cried. He even had a Rockies outfit on that my nurse friend Christine gave us. Very cute, huh?! Probably the only time he'll wear that. The Rockies won 2 to 1 (against the St. Louis Cardinals) and then it was a Fireworks night afterwards. Johnathan did good once we faced him out so he could watch them. We of course plugged his ears with mommies hands so the loud banging wouldn't hurt. Beautiful purple Colorado sunset, huh?

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