Tuesday, December 22, 2009

David's Lab Party

This is Nate's old lab boss, David Wagner. He puts on a great little Christmas party at his house every year. We had so much fun and Johnathan was a hit. He was in such a good mood that night...even though it was past his bedtime. He was playing with his toys and cooeing and squeeling like crazy. Making everyone laugh. He lasted about 1 hour, and then we had brought our big stroller that can lay completely flat. We put that in David's bedroom and put him to bed there and he went right asleep...despite the loud talking in the living room! We stayed as long as we wanted, which was about 8:30pm (it started at 5:30). What a good little boy!!!

1 comment:

colbyanddeniseovery said...

I think it's great you're not letting your little guy stop you from being social and doing fun things. Colby and I always took our kids to friends houses and just put them in bed. We would stay for hours playing games and hanging out while our kids slept. The key to this is starting them young. It sounds like you're already doing that. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!