Thursday, November 10, 2011

Miracle Upon Miracles!

A Miracle happened yesterday. : ) Hee hee! We finally got our WEDDING VIDEO from our wedding that was 4 years and 4 months ago!!!!! It is a really long story that I won't go into, but our videographer Mike Stewart totally flaked on us and never made our wedding video (even though it said in the official contract that it would be done within 8 months...yeah right!). He still even owes us $700. But anyway, my sister in California helped us out and found a guy that could edit our video for us if we gave him the raw master tapes. He did it for $500, and it is done now and we HAVE IT!!! Hallelujah! I never thought I would see this day. As you could tell, it meant a lot to me and I was so sad when I thought I could never see our wedding day again. But Nate & I watched it last night and it was great! He did a pretty good job with what he had to work with. And we have 3 copies! How exciting! And also, MAN we looked good that day! : ) hee hee

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