Monday, March 1, 2010

Allergic Reacton

I forgot to tell you about Johnathan's first allergic reaction! I wanted to try baby yogurt for at the store, I bought this brand called "Yobaby". It looked good and it was all organic. But I fed it to Johnathan one day last week and he had his first reaction to a food. Nate thinks it was due to the live cultures in that yogurt and that maybe his intestines aren't ready for it yet. Nate himself has digestional reactions to certain yogurts and it doesn't sit well with him.
So what happened was I fed it to him in the late morning. And he LOVED it too! He ate a ton! He loved the flavor...too bad this happened to a food he actually likes. And then I didn't notice anything until about 4:30 pm that night when I undressed him for his bath. He had a total body rash ALL OVER! Poor guy! I finished his bath & when Nate got home, I showed him his rash and he agreed it must have been the yogurt. So no more yogurt for a few months! Johnathan seemed okay then, but later that night at about 8:30pm, he woke up and was crying and probably hurting in his tummy. So I went out at 9:15pm to Target and got some children's benadryl. Gave him some of that and the rash got much better quickly and he eventually went back to bed.

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